Aquarium Club of Lancaster County - We are a non-profit organization devoted to the advancement of the
aquarium hobby in South Central Pennsylvania.
The philosophy of the club is to provide areas of interest to the beginner as well as the advanced hobbyist. |
Brooklyn Aquarium Society - BAS meets at 7:30pm on the 2nd Friday of the month in the Education Hall of the New York Aquarium. 718-837-4455 |
Daniel Boone High School - Daniel Boone High School Students Build Algae Bio Reactor for Algae to Diesel Fuel Research Project. |
Delaware Aquarium Society - The Delaware County Aquarium Society meets on the first Friday of every month from
September to June at the Holy Myrrh Bearers Church, located at 900 Fairview Road in Swarthmore, PA 19081. Meetings start at
8 pm. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. So please, stop by and meet us when you are in the area. |
Diamond State Aquarium Society, Inc. - The Diamond State Aquarium Society meets on the second Monday
of every month (from September to May), at the William Penn High School's Main Cafeteria, located at 713 E. Basin
Road (Rt. 141 South), in New Castle, DE. Meetings start at 7:30 and last until 9:30. |
Jersey Shore Aquarium Society - The Jersey Shore Aquarium Society Jersey Shore Aquarium Society
meets at 7:30pm on the second Monday of every month at the South Wall Fire Rescue Company 2605 Atlantic Ave.
in Manasquan, NJ. Each meeting typically features an interesting slide, movie or video presentation of tropical
fish, and aquarist related topics. Our presenters are often professionals in their respective fields or
experienced hobbyists. |
North Jersey Aquarium Society - Our monthly meetings begin at 12:30 pm on the third Saturday of each month,
(with the exception of August), at the Clark Public Library, located at 303 Westfield Avenue in Clark (Union County),
New Jersey. Phone: 201-460-1700 Fax: 201-460-1722. |