March 2025 Speaker

Dr. Ted Coletti will be speaking on "Ted's Favorites: Aquatic Plants for Fish Tubs, Ponds, & Water Gardens (Filters, Spillers, & Thrillers)!".

Date: March 7th 2025

  Synopsis: Dr. Ted Coletti (NJ) is one of the hobby's  most popular speakers and writers, regularly  presenting programs across North America.  He has written over 200 articles and 2 books  for the hobby: Aquarium Care of Livebearing  Fishes, and The Tub Pond Handbook, now in its  3rd Edition revised (  Ted is nationally recognized for kick-starting the  "summer tubbing" craze as he coined it, and continues to be the hobby’s evangelizer for "taking it outside." He was also the past Livebearer Columnist for both FAMA and TFH magazines, and past Editor of the ALA. Ted is the Founder of the Aquarium Hobby Historical Society, and his own (very unique) local NJ club, Skylands Aquarium & Water Garden Group ( He is a recognized Master Breeder at the North Jersey Aquarium Society.

November 2024 Speaker

Rebecca Goldring will talk about Fabulous Freshwater Puffers.

Date: November 7th 2024

  Synopsis: This talk focuses on caring for some   of the biggest personalities in the aquarium hobby:   Freshwater Puffers. Learn about how to feed and care   for these fascinating fish, from tankmates to dentistry   and everything in between.   
Bio: Rebecca Goldring is social scientist and lifelong   aquarium hobbyist. Fascinated with fish at an early age,   but often discouraged and misunderstood, she eventually   settled life as a weird kid. This aquatic obsession led   to early employment opportunities at The Aquarium Center and Roraima Tropicals, outside of Baltimore, Maryland, as well as some freelance work writing for Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine. Early years spent watching fish and animal behavior fed into a career in behavioral and social science research, where she applies her observational and investigational skills to larger societal issues. To this day, her favorite pastimes include keeping fish, looking at fish, fishing for fish, reading about fish, and writing about fish. She also thoroughly enjoys telling people where they can take their opinions about how much more time she'd have to clean if she didn't have so many fish.

Rebecca currently maintains about 30 aquariums ranging in size from 5 to 300 gallons and keeps a variety of freshwater fish, aquatic plants, and invertebrates, as well as a few outdoor ponds. She's bred a wide variety of fish, including South American Bumblebee Cats, Checkerboard Cichlids, Enneacampus ansorgii "Cameroon," and many species of tetra. You can find her on Instagram at girlsgotfisshues.

October 2024 Speaker

Anton Lamboj will talk about his trips to Australia. His topic will include a discussion on reptiles and birds)

Date: October 3rd 2024

  Dr. Anton Lamboj is an ichthyologist, associated   scientist and lecturer at the University of Vienna.   He is an addicted aquarist for more than 55 years,   and in both aspects of interest his main focus is on   cichlid fishes of Western Africa. He mainly works   with systematics and evolutionary biology of these   fishes, but another strong interest is conservation   biology of riverine cichlids of this region. A second   love is for anabantoid fishes from Asia, but in   general he is interested in any fish.
He has made numerous field trips to Africa, South East Asia, Australia, North, Central and South America, to study and to collect fish in the natural environment, to understand ecological needs and the situation of fish.
He has authored more than 500 papers (academic and aquaristic) in eleven languages, including six books and contributions to about 40 other books. He is an honorary member of several aquarium organizations.
Additionally, he is promoting several ex-situ conservation programs, in cooperation with public aquariums, as well as with private groups and clubs
