2019 Annual Auction

Our 2019 Annual Spring Auction will be taking place in Saturday, May 11 at the Churchville Nature Center. For more information, click here

Monthly/Annual Auctions

  1. Bringing things to sell - All aquarium and pond related equipment, dry goods, plants, fish and other livestock are welcome. You do not need to be a member of BCAS to sell at the auction. For non-livestock, the seller gets 60% of the selling price and 40% goes to BCAS (split). For the annual auction ONLY there is a "buck a bag" deal on livestock - BCAS gets a buck and the seller gets the rest of the selling price.
  2. Auction Sheet - An auction sheet is available on the website and can be filled out by the seller in advance. Items must be assigned a code (3 initials from sellers name followed by a number (1-n). This code must appear on the auction sheet for each item and must be labeled on the item itself.
  3. Minimum Bids -
    • Monthly Auctions – A seller may put a minimum bid on an auction item. The auctioneer will not sell the item for less than the minimum bid. The minimum bid must be on the auction sheet and clearly shown on the item label.
    • Annual Auction - Minimum Bids can no longer be specified for our Annual Auction.
  4. Donations – Of course, you can also donate items for the auction. In this case, the entire sale price of the item goes to Bucks County Aquarium Society and will be primarily used to fund our speaker program. Donations are greatly appreciated!
  5. Bidding at the auction –
    • Monthly Auctions – Anyone present may bid. Payment, either cash or check, is expected when the item is won. Payment will be collected by one of the runners.
    • Annual Auction - When you come to the auction you will need to get a bidder's card in order to be able to bid at the auction. Members may run a tab. Non-members who wish to run a tab will need to leave their driver’s license at the front desk. Their license will be returned to them when they check out and settle their tab. Payment, either check or cash, is expected before you leave the auction. If you are not running a tab then payment is expected when the items is won and will be collected by one of the runners.
  6. Non-returnable – Anything bought at auction is non-returnable. Please check with the seller before purchasing if you have any doubts. We rely on people’s honesty in putting only non-defective equipment in the auction. We have had very few problems in all of the years we have been doing this.
  7. Pushing” an item for auction – in case there is an item that you want to bid on but you have to leave at a certain time. The Lot may not be on the triage table for auctioning. If this happens, you can “push” an item by contacting the Lot Push Coordinator with the item description, Lot number and location of the item(s) that you would like pushed. The Push Coordinator or designee will bring the item(s) to the triage table for auction and will inform the triage table scribe that the item is a push. It will then be auctioned as soon as possible. The cost of this service is $2.00 per lot which will be paid in cash to the Coordinator or designee. Note that pushing items will not commence until 1PM.
  8. Runner – A runner is a wonderful and greatly appreciated volunteer who brings items from the table to the auctioneer, takes the item to the individual who has won it and collects the payment. Anyone 13 or older can volunteer to be a runner – we always need runners!
  9. Unsold Auction Items – Any auction items left unsold, either live or dry goods, must be removed by the seller at the conclusion of the auction. Anything unclaimed will be deemed the property of BCAS and will sold at the Society's discretion. An announcement will be made prior to the end of the auction as a reminder.
  10. Payments to the seller – Payment to sellers will be made by BCAS check. The payments will be sent within 3 weeks of the the end of the auction.

Have items for the auction?

Please print out this form and fill it out, or use this fillable .pdf file.